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Ellis, A. (1945). The case study as a research method. Review of Educational Research, 15, 352-359.
Ellis, A. (1945). [Review of the book Sexual Anomalies]. Psychosomatic Medicine, 7, 382.
Ellis, A. (1945). The sexual psychology of human hermaphrodites. Psychosomatic Medicine, 7, 
Ellis, A. (1945).  A study of human love relationships. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 15,
Ellis, A. (1945). A study of the love emotions of American college girls. International Journal of 
Sexology, 3, 15-21.
Ellis, A. (1946). [Review of the book A psychologist looks at love and Psychology of sex 
relations]. Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 121-126.
Ellis, A. (1946). [Review of the book Sex and the social order]. Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 
Ellis, A. (1946). The validity of personality questionnaires. The Psychological Bulletin, 
43, 385-440.
Ellis, A. (1947). A comparison of the use of direct and indirect phrasing in personality
questionnaires. Psychological Monographs, 6(3), 1-41.
Ellis, A. (1947). Discussion of Heinlein’s comment on The Validity of Personality
Questionnaires. [Review of the article Heinlein’s comment on The Validity of Personality Questionnaires.] The Psychological Bulletin, 44, 83-86.
Ellis, A. (1947). Personality questionnaires. Review of Educational Research, 17, 53-63.
Ellis, A. (1947). Questionnaire versus interview method in the study of human love relationships.
American Sociological Review, 12, 541-553.
Ellis, A. (1947). [Review of the book The dynamics of human adjustment]. Journal of Genetic 
Psychology, 71, 145-150.
Ellis, A. (1947). Telepathy and psychoanalysis: a critique of recent findings. Psychiatric 
Quarterly, 21, 607-659.
Ellis, A., & Abelson, H. H. (1947). Other devices for investigating personality. Review of 
Educational Research, 17, 101-109.
Ellis, A., & Gerberich, J. (1947). Interests and attitudes. Review of Educational Research, 17, 64-
Ellis, A., Hertz, M. R., & Symonds, P. M. (1947). Rorschach methods and other projective
techniques. Review of Educational Research, 17, 78-100.
Ellis, A. (1948). The application of scientific principles to scientific publications. Scientific 
Monthly, 66, 427-430.
Ellis, A. (1948). The attitudes of psychologists toward psychological meetings. The American 
Psychologist, 3, 511-512.
Ellis, A. (1948). A critique of the theoretical contributions of nondirective therapy.  Journal of 
Clinical Psychology, 4, 248-255.
Ellis, A. (1948). Discussion of Mrs. Bernard’s comments on research methods. [Review of Mrs.
Bernard’s comments on research methods]. American Sociological Review, 13, 219.
Ellis, A. (1948). Questionnaire versus interview method in the study of human love
relationships II, Uncategorized responses. American Sociological Review, 13, 61-65.
Ellis, A. (1948). The relationship between personality inventory scores and other psychological
test results. Journal of Social Psychology, 28, 287-289.
Ellis, A. (1948). [Review of the book Sexual behavior in the human male].  Journal of General 
Psychology, 39, 299-326.
Ellis, A. (1948). [Review of An essay on morals]. Journal of Social Psychology, 27, 289-290.
Ellis, A. (1948). A study of trends in recent psychoanalytic publications. American Imago, 5(4),

Ellis, A. (1948). Valuation in presenting scientific data. Sociology and Social Research, 33(2)
Ellis, A. (1948). The value of marriage prediction tests. American Sociological Review, 13, 710-
Ellis, A., & Conrad, H. (1948). The validity of personality inventories in military practice.
Psychological Bulletin, 45, 385-426.
Ellis, A. (1949). Re-analysis of an alleged telepathic dream. Psychiatric Quarterly, 23, 116-126.
Ellis, A. (1949). Results of a mental hygiene approach to reading disability problems. Journal of 
Consulting Psychology, 13, 56-61.
Ellis, A., & Conrad, H. S. (1949). Reply to the Humms’ Notes on the validity of personality
inventories in military practice. Psychological Bulletin, 46, 307-308.
Ellis, A. (1949). Some significant correlates of love and family attitudes and behavior. Journal of 
Social Psychology, 30, 3-16.
Ellis, A. (1949). Towards the improvement of psychoanalytic research. Psychoanalytic Review, 
36, 123-143.
Ellis, A. (1949). What kinds of research are American psychologists doing? American 
Psychologist, 4, 490-494.
Ellis, A., & Beechley, R. M. (1949). Assortative mating in the parents of child guidance clinic
patients. American Sociological Review, 14, 678-679.
Ellis, A., & Fuller, E. W. (1949). The personal problems of senior nursing students. American 
Journal of Psychiatry, 106, 212- 215.
Ellis, A. (1950). [Discussion of Predicting marriage failure from test scores]. Marriage and 
Family Living, 12, 56-57.
Ellis, A. (1950). An experiment in the rating of essay-type examination questions by college
students. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 10, 707-711.
Ellis, A. (1950). An Introduction to the Principles of scientific psychoanalysis. Genetic 
Psychology Monographs41, 147-212.
Ellis, A. (1950). Love and family relationships of American college girls. American Journal of 
Sociology, 55, 550-558.
Ellis, A. (1950). Requisites for research in psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 6, 
Ellis, A. (1950). The sex, love, and marriage questions of senior nursing students. Journal of 
Social Psychology, 31, 209-216.
Ellis, A., & Beechley, R. (1950). A comparison of matched groups of Mongoloid and non-
Mongoloid feebleminded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency54, 464-468.
Ellis, A., & Beechley, R. (1950). Comparisons of Negro and White children seen at a child
guidance clinic. The Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement, 24, 93-101.
Ellis, A., Groves, G., Brown, M., & Lamson, H. (1950). Articles of interest to marriage and
family life educators and counselors. Marriage and Family Living, 12, 106-110.
Ellis, A. (1951). The influence of heterosexual culture on the attitudes of homosexuals.
International Journal of Sexology, 5, 77-79.
Ellis, A. (1951). Introduction. In D. W. Cory, The homosexual in America (pp. 9-11). New York:
Ellis, A. (1951). Legal status of the marriage counselor: A psychologist’s view. Marriage and 
Family Living, 13, 116- 120.
Ellis, A. (1951). Prostitution re-assessed. International Journal of Sexology, 5, 41-42.
Ellis, A. (1951). Report on survey of members of the Division of Clinical and Abnormal
Psychology who are presently engaged in paid private practice. Division of Clinical Abnormal Psychology, 4(6), 1-4.
Ellis, A. (1951). [Review of the book The folklore of sex]. Psychological Book Previews, 1, 53-
Ellis, A. (1951). The folklore of sex. New York: Doubleday.
Ellis, A. (1951). [Review of the book Neurosis and human growth]. Psychological Bulletin, 48, 
Ellis, A. (1951). Sex-the schizoid best seller. Saturday Review of Literature, 34(11),42-44.
Ellis, A. (1951). A study of 300 sex offenders. International Journal of Sexology, 4, 127-134.
Ellis, A. (1951). A young woman convicted of manslaughter. Case Reports in Clinical 
Psychology, 2(1)9-34.
Ellis, A., & Beechley, R. (1951). A comparison of child guidance clinic patients coming from
large, medium, and small families. The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 79, 131-144.
Ellis, A., & Doorbar, R. (1951). Classified bibliography of articles, books, and pamphlets on sex,
love, marriage, and family relations published during 1950. Marriage and Family Living, 13(2)71-86.
Ellis, A. (1952). Applications of clinical psychology to sexual disorders. In D. Browser & L. E.
Abt (Eds.), Progress in Clinical Psychology (pp.467-480). New York: Grune & Stratton.
Ellis, A. (1952). A critique of systematic theoretical foundations in clinical psychology. The 
Journal of Clinical Psychology, 8, 11-15.
Ellis, A. (1952). On the cure of homosexuality. International Journal of Sexology, 55, 135-138.
Ellis, A. (1952). Perversions and neurosis. International Journal of Sexology, 55, 135-138.
Ellis, A. (1952). The psychologist in private practice and the good profession. The American 
Psychologist, 7, 129-131.
Ellis, A., & Doorbar, R. (1952). Recent trends in sex, marriage, and family research. Marriage 
and Family Living, 14, 338-340.
Ellis, A. (1952). Self-appraisal methods. In D. Brower & L. A. Abt (Eds.), Progress in Clinical 
Psychology (Vol. 1, pp. 67-90). New York: Grune & Stratton.
Ellis, A. (1952). What is normal sex behavior. Complex, 8, 41-51. (Also In A. Ellis
& R. Brancale (Eds.), The Psychology of sex offenders (pp. 120-132). Springfield, IL: Thomas.
Ellis, A., Brancale, R., & Doorbar, R. (1952). Psychiatric and psychological investigations of
convicted sex offenders. The American Journal of Psychiatry, 109, 17-21.
Ellis, A., & Cory, D. W. (1952). In defense of current sex studies. Nation, 174, 250-252.
Ellis, A., & Doorbar, R. (1952). Classified bibliography of articles, books, and pamphlets on sex,
love, marriage, and family relations published during 1951. Marriage and Family Living, 14, 153-177.
Ellis, A., Doorbar, R., Guze, H., & Clark, L. (1952). A study of sexual preferences: Preliminary
report. International Journal of Sexology, 6, 87-88.
Ellis, A., Harper, R. A., Dyer, D., Duvall, B., Timmons, B., Hill, R., et al. (1952). Premarital sex
relations: The facts and the counselor’s role in relation to the facts. Marriage and Family Living, 14, 229-236.
Ellis, A. (1953). The Blacky test used with a psychoanalytic patient. Journal of Clinical 
Psychology, 9, 167-172.
Ellis, A. (1953). [Correspondence relating to Marriage counseling with couples indicating 
sexual incompatibility]. Marriage and Family Living, 15, 156-175.
Ellis, A. (1953). Discussion of W. Stokes and D. Mace Premarital sexual behavior. [Review of
the article Premarital sexual behavior]. Marriage and Family Living, 15, 248-249.
Ellis, A. (1953). From the first to the second Kinsey report. The International Journal of 
Sexology, 12, 64-72.
Ellis, A. (1953). Marriage counseling with couples indicating sexual incompatibility. Marriage 
and Sexual Living, 15, 53-59.
Ellis, A. (1953). Preface. In A. P. Pillay & A. Ellis (Eds.), Sex, society and the individual (pp.
7-10). Oxford, England: The International Journal of Sexology.
Ellis, A. (1953). Pros and cons of legislation for psychologists. American Psychologist, 8, 551-
Ellis, A. (1953). Reactions of psychotherapy patients who resist hypnosis. The Journal of 
Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1, 12-15.
Ellis, A. (1953). Recent research with personality inventories. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 
17, 45-49.
Ellis, A. (1953). Recent studies on the sex and love relations of young girls: Resume.
International Journal of Sexology, 6, 161-163.
Ellis, A. (1953). Recommendations concerning standards for the unsupervised practice of
clinical psychology. American Psychologist, 8, 494-495.
Ellis, A. (1953). Review of E. Bergler The Superego. [Review of the book The Superego].
Psychological Bulletin, 50, 162-163.
Ellis, A. (1953). Theoretical schools of psychology. In A. Weider (Ed.), Contributions 
toward medical psychology: Theory and psychodiagnostic methods (pp. 31-50). New York: Ronald Press Company.
Ellis, A., & Doorbar, R. (1953). Classified bibliography of articles, books, and pamphlets on sex,
love, marriage, and family relations published during 1952. Marriage and Family Living, 15, 156-175.
Ellis, A., & Pillay, A. P. (Eds.). (1953). Sex, society and the individual. Bombay: International
Journal of Sexology.
Ellis, A. (1954). The American Sexual Tragedy. New York: Twayne.
Ellis, A. (1954). Classified bibliography on human sex relations. International Journal of 
Sexology, 7, 228-239.
Ellis, A. (1954). Classified bibliography on marriage and family relations. Marriage and Family 
Living, 16, 146-161.
Ellis, A. (1954). Female sexual response and marital relations. Social Problems, 1, 152-155.
Ellis, A. (1954). Interrogation of sex offenders. The Journal of Criminal Law, Criminology, and 
Police Science, 45(1), 41-47.
Ellis, A. (1954). Private clinical practice. In E.A. Rubinstein & M. Lorr (Eds.), A survey of 
Clinical Practice in Psychology (pp. 186-196). New York: International Universities.
Ellis, A. (1954). Sex freedom in marriage. Best Years, 1(1)3-7.
Ellis, A. (1954). The psychology and physiology of sex. In A. Ellis (Ed.), Sex life of the 
American woman and the Kinsey report (pp. 203-214). New York: Greenberg.
Ellis, A., & Beechley, R. (1954). Emotional disturbance in children with peculiar given names.
The Journal of Genetic Psychology, 85, 337-339.
Ellis, A., & Benjamin, H. (1954). An objective examination of prostitution. International 
Journal of Sexology, 8, 100-105.
Ellis, A., Doorbar, R., & Johnston, R. (1954). Characteristics of convicted sex offenders. The 
Journal of Social Psychology, 40, 3-15.
Ellis, A. (1955). Are homosexuals necessarily neurotic? One: The Homosexual Magazine, 3(4),
Ellis, A. (1955). Masturbation. Journal of Social Therapy, 1(3)141-143.
Ellis, A. (1955). New approaches to psychotherapy techniques. Journal of Clinical Psychology 
Monograph Supplement, 11, 1-53.
Ellis, A. (1955). Psychotherapy techniques for use with psychotics. American Journal of 
Psychotherapy, 9, 452-476.
Ellis, A. (1955). Review of U. Sonneman Existence and Therapy. [Review of the book Existence 
and Therapy]. Psychological Bulletin52, 275-276.
Ellis, A. (1955). Woman as sex aggressor. Best Years1(3)25-29.
Ellis, A., Anderson, R. G., Berg, I. A., Hunt, J. McV., Mowrer, H. E. O’Shea, C.H., et al. (1955).
Professional liability insurance for psychologists. American Psychologist, 
10, 243-244.
Ellis, A., Nydes, J., & Riess, B. (1955). Qualifications of the clinical psychologist for the
practice of psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 11, 33-37.
Ellis, A. (1956). Adultery: Pros and cons. The Independent, 61, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). Another look at sexual abnormality. The Independent, 55, 6.
Ellis, A. (1956). A critical evaluation of marriage counseling. Marriage and Family Living, 18, 
Ellis, A. (1956). The effectiveness of psychotherapy with individuals who have severe
homosexual problems. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 20, 191-195.
Ellis, A. (1956). Evolving standards for practicing psychologists. In M.H. Krout (Ed.),
Psychology, Psychiatry, and the Public Interest (pp. 186-200). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.

Ellis, A. (1956). How American women are driving American males into homosexuality.

The Independent, 52, 4.

Ellis, A. (1956). How males contribute to female frigidity. The Independent, 56, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). New light on masturbation. The Independent, 51, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). On the myths about love. The Independent, 58, 6.
Ellis, A. (1956). On premarital sex relations. The Independent, 59, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). An operational reformulation of some of the basic principles of psychoanalysis.
In H. Feigl & M. Scriven (Eds.), The foundations of science and the concepts of Psychology and Psychoanalysis (pp. 131-154). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Ellis, A. (1956). An operational reformulation of some basic principles of psychoanalysis.
Psychoanalytic Review, 43, 163-180.
Ellis, A. (1956). The roots of psychology and psychiatry. In H. Krout (Ed.), Psychology, 
psychiatry and the public interest (pp. 9-31). Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota.
Ellis, A. (1956). Review of J.F. Olivien, Sexual Hygene and Pathology: A Manual for the
Physician.[Review of the book Sexual Hygiene and Pathology: A Manual for the Physician]. Contemporary Psychology, 2, 86-87.
Ellis, A. (1956). Sexual inadequacy in the male. The Independent, 57, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). When are we going to quit stalling about sex education? The Independent, 54, 4.
Ellis, A. (1956). Why Americans are so fearful of sex. The Independent, 53, 4.
Ellis, A., Brancale, R., & Doorbar, R. (1956). The psychology of sex offenders. Springfield, IL:
Charles C. Thomas.
Ellis, A. (1957). Adultery reconsidered. The Independent, 68, 4.
Ellis, A. (1957). Adventures with sex censorship. The Independent, 63, 4.
Ellis, A. (1957). Deviation, an ever-increasing social problem. In J. Fairchild (Ed.), Personality 
problems and psychological frontiers (pp. 138-151). New York: Sheridan House.
Ellis, A. (1957). How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. [Review of the book The 
Psychology of Sexual Emotion: The Basis of Selective Attraction]. Contemporary 
Psychology, 2, 188-189.
Ellis, A. (1957). How homosexuals can combat anti-homosexualism. One, 5(2), 7-8.
Ellis, A. (1957). How to live with a neurotic. New York: Crown Publishers.

Ellis, A. (1957). “I feel so guilty”. True Story, 78(6)18-29.

Ellis, A. (1957). Introduction. In A. Edwardes (Ed.), The jewel in the lotus: A historical survey of 
the sexual culture of the East (pp. xvxxi). New York: Julian.
Ellis, A. (1957). The justification of sex without love. The Independent, 64, 4; 65, 4; 66, 4.
Ellis, A. (1957). On sex fascism. The Independent, 69, 4; 70, 4; 71, 4.
Ellis, A. (1957). Outcome of employing three techniques of psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical 
Psychology, 13(4)344-350.
Ellis, A. (1957). Rational psychotherapy and individual psychology. The Journal of Individual 
Psychology, 13(1)38-44.
Ellis, A. (1957). The right to sex enjoyment. The Independent, 22, 4.
Ellis, A. (1957). Sex problems of couples seen for marriage counseling. Journal of Family 
Welfare, 3, 81-84.
Ellis, A. (1957). The sexual element in non-sex crimes. Psychological Newsletter, 8, 122-125.
Ellis, A. (1957). Thoughts on petting. The Independent, 68, 4.
Ellis, A. (1958, July 28). Are suburban wives af-fair game? New York Mirror Magazine, 4-5.
Ellis, A. (1958). Case histories: Fact and fiction. Contemporary Psychology, 3, 318-319.
Ellis, A. (1958). Comments on J. Crist’s Marriage counseling involving a passive husband and
an aggressive wife. Marriage and Family Living, 20, 126-127.
Ellis, A. (1958). Helping troubled people. Pastoral Psychology, 9(82)33-41.
Ellis, A. (1958, August 3). How you can get along with a neurotic. New York Herald Tribune, 4-
Ellis, A. (1958). Hypnotherapy with borderline schizophrenics. Journal of General Psychology, 
59, 245-253.

Ellis, A. (1958). A marriage of two neurotics. In American Association of Marriage Counselors (Ed.), Marriage counseling: A casebook (pp.104-197). New York: Association.

Ellis, A. (1958). Neurotic interaction between marital partners. Journal of Counseling 
Psychology, 5, 24-28.
Ellis, A. (1958). New hope for homosexuals. Sexology, 25, 164-168.
Ellis, A. (1958). The private practice of psychotherapy: a clinical psychologist’s report. Journal 
of General Psychology, 58, 207-216.
Ellis, A. (1958). Rational psychotherapy. The Journal of General Psychology, 59, 35-49.
Ellis, A. (1958). Sex without guilt. New York: Lyle Stuart.
Ellis, A. (1958, July). Should men marry older women? This Week Magazine, 8-9.
Ellis, A. (1958). Ten indiscreet proposals. Pageant14(5), 6-15.
Ellis, A., & Kosofsky, S. (1958). Illegal communication among institutionalized female
delinquents. The Journal of Social Psychology, 48, 155-160.
Ellis, A. (1959). Case presentation and critical comments on the cases of other authors. In S.W.
Standal & R. J. Corsini (Eds.), Critical incidents in psychotherapy (pp. 88-91, 110-116, 154-158). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
Ellis, A. (1959). [Critique of The homosexual in our society]. Mattachine Review, 5(6)24-27.
Ellis, A. (1959). Does morality require religious sanctions? Controversy Magazine, 1(2)16-19.
Ellis, A. (1959). Guilt, shame, and frigidity. Quarterly Review of Surgery, Obstetrics, and 
Gynecology16, 259-261.
Ellis, A. (1959). A homosexual treated with rational psychotherapy. Journal of Clinical 
Psychology, 15, 338-343.
Ellis, A. (1959). Homosexuality and creativity. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 15, 376-379.
Ellis, A. (1959). How neurotic are you? True Story, 79, 34-35.
Ellis, A. (1959, July 26). Over-aggressiveness in wives [Syndicated Feature]. King Features
Ellis, A. (1959). Overcoming sexual incompatibility. Realife Guide, 2(4),6-15.
Ellis, A. (1959). Premarital relations-pro. Controversy, 1(4)24, 26-27.
Ellis, A. (1959). Psychological aspects of discouraging contraception. Realist, 1(7)11-13.
Ellis, A. (1959). Rationalism and its therapeutic applications. Annals of Psychotherapy.
Ellis, A. (1959). Requisite conditions for basic personality change. Journal of Consulting 
Psychology, 23, 538-540.
Ellis, A. (1959). The seven secrets of sexual satisfaction. Pageant, 14(12)26-31.
Ellis, A. (1959). What is psychotherapy? Annals of Psychotherapy 1,1-57.
Ellis, A. (1959). Why married men visit prostitutes. Sexology, 25, 344-347.
Ellis, A., & Lehfeldt. (Eds.). (1959). Symposium on aspects of female sexuality. The Quarterly Review of Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 16, 215-258


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