By Alina Boie, M.S.
It is official. The most wanted weather season is here. No more cold, no more bad weather. Spring is the season when nature renaissances and revitalizes. The sky is clear blue, the grass delights us with its fresh green, and the birds are enchanting us with their songs. Life is beautiful!
Are we too busy to notice all these changes? Do we even have time to enjoy nature anymore? I just have the feeling that life is passing by sometimes. We do not even have time to observe changes around us. A while ago, we used to count time by hours and minutes. Nowadays it feels like we are measuring time by weeks. Everything moves so fast. Today is Monday and in a blink of an eye it is Sunday again. So I am going to challenge you today… Think about this day being your last day on Earth. What changes would you like to make to your life? Is it worth all the worry, anxiety, anger, and sadness over things that you have so little control of? How can you make a change today? One answer is “acceptance”. Start by accepting yourself and others as fallible human beings. We are not perfect because nothing is perfect in this world. No matter how much you will try to fight it you will fail at times. Therefore, you have a choice. Accept yourself and try to make the best of it, or make yourself miserable over what you could have been. What it comes down to is the way we view things. Depending on the lenses you are using the world looks different. You can choose the gray lenses and see the world in black and white. On the contrary, you can choose the colored lens and see the world in a more positive light. What is your choice?
With the beginning of a new season, we have a chance for a new beginning. Now is your opportunity to change the way you think. Choose to challenge your unhealthy beliefs with more rational and adaptive ones. You might think this is useless; however, time and time again research proves it works. The choice is yours. Will you accept the challenge?