By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S.
Once again I am watching the snow falling outside. I guess this is not something to complain about, as it is January and the temperature is above the freezing mark. The torrential downpours, polar vortex, and blizzards surely are not the recipe for motivation. Shorter days and longer nights invite lazy evenings on the couch, but when does this winter hibernation become too much? The stretch from January to March can seem rather…blah. Once the buzz of the holiday season dies down and we begin to readjust to our weekly schedule, the reality of the winter can set-in. The important piece to remember is that this reality is what we make of it.
How can we approach these winter blues from an REBT perspective? First, it is important to evaluate how our current philosophy is working for us. If we continue to embrace these gloomy feelings, there is little chance we will be able to make our winter more enjoyable. Not only will our awfulizing and “can’t stand it-itus” fail to keep us warm and cheery, Mother Nature has yet to acknowledge our demand that “winter should not be so gloomy!” While it can be very upsetting seeing the sunset at 4:30 PM, continuously reminding ourselves how aggravating this experience is will not do much for our mental well-being. As soon as we can begin to give-up our irrational beliefs regarding the winter, we can stop fretting over the uncontrollable, and focus our energy elsewhere.
Acceptance is key in combating our winter blues. No matter how much we would like the seasons to play by our rules, it does not mean it will happen. By accepting the inevitable, we are putting ourselves in the position to act. Once we can let go of our winter woes we can think of practical solutions to our weather dilemma. The following are some practical solutions to keeping a sunny disposition during the dreary winter months:
1. 1, 2, 3…Action!: Yes, it is time to take action. Rather than blame a lack of motivation on the season, recognize that your beliefs are keeping you at bay, and act against those instincts. Despite your strong inclination to stay locked away inside, challenge yourself to fight those urges. Even though this may take an extra dose of energy, push yourself to get out and be active. Rather than talking yourself out of meeting with friends and loved ones after-work, practice rehearsing new encouraging self-statements to increase motivation. When the weather permits, allow yourself to go for walks outside and engage in outdoor activities.
2. Activity Scheduling: One of the best remedies for a low mood is engaging in pleasurable activities. When the temperature begins to drop and the sky becomes grey, utilize this time to schedule activities or tasks that you may have been putting off. Learn to cook a new dish, pick-up a book, or drink a glass of hot coco and watch a good film. Whatever the choices may be, try to relish the time you have to engage in those activities you enjoy, especially those that get thrown to the wayside when other opportunities arise during the warmer months.
3. How about those resolutions?: No time is better than the present! This is a great time to begin working on those New Year’s resolutions. Begin setting goals for the New Year and steps you can take to achieve them. Reward yourself for those steps you take bringing you closer to the end goal.
4. Practice Flexibility: We all know how unpredictable the winter can be, but this can also provide a great lesson in practicing flexibility. If the weather throws a wrench into your plans, work to accept what is out of your control and think of another option. Try not to let sudden changes fling you into a tailspin. Instead, utilize your creativity and resourcefulness and come-up with an alternative plan.
Nobody can know what the next few months will bring, but we can all rest assured that the weather will get warmer, the days will get longer and Spring will begin soon enough. Even though the sky may appear grey for a few more weeks, there is no need for your mood to look the same, so enjoy the cold weather while you can!