By Eric Sudler, M.S.
It has come to my attention of late that A LOT of people I know possess remarkable psychic abilities, particularly when it comes to predicting the future and determining one’s fate. I’m not sure when everybody turned into Professor X, but it was my understanding that we as humans do not know what tomorrow has in store for us. We can plan as carefully and meticulously as we desire, but in the end, we do not have complete control over what actually happens. Now, I’m not saying that planning and hoping is futile. Not having complete control does not mean that we do not have any control. Perhaps I should explain further.
A lot of times in life, things do not work out as you may have planned. Girlfriends leave. Jobs come and go. Best friends move away. Boyfriends cheat. You get looked over for promotions. Cars break down. Important people in your life pass away. These things are very unfortunate and an understandable amount of grief, frustration, or sadness is expected. The initial reaction can hardly be controlled or predicted. However, even after significant amount of time has passed, people are still reacting as if they absolutely knew the future and the adversity they experienced wasn’t supposed to be a part of their lives. Well, whoever said this event wasn’t part of “the plan” for you?
Recently, a friend who has been battling anxiety her entire life concluded that the treatment she was seeking was inefficient because she suffered a rare panic attack a couple weeks ago. I asked her why she would want to abandon the path she’s on that had brought her noticeable improvements these past months? There was so much conviction in her voice that it seemed as though she saw her future and a panic attack was not in it.
“How do you know this is wrong? How do you know this isn’t part of the plan? Where is it written that any journey be adversity free? What if this is just how it’s supposed to be? Maybe you didn’t see this in your plans, but somebody saw it in your plans because it happened.”
She thought for a second and replied,
“But if this is the way, why did that bad thing happen?”
We then conversed about how people often times react to situations as if they knew the ending. It’s very easy for everyone including me to give in or give up and let the situation dictate how we should react. The hard work and resolve comes in when you acknowledge that unexpected, undesired events will take place in life. How you react to them will ultimately dictate how/if you will overcome them. As I have recently found out, you can take away just as much useful information from an unfortunate situation as you can from a good one. So be careful when the psychic within tells you that “this shouldn’t have happened” or “you’re on the wrong path” because your psychic within can’t predict the future any better than you can.