Shonda Lackey, Ph.D.
Independence Day was this past weekend. It’s a holiday that often involves barbeques, the beach, and fireworks. Many people also pay honor to our veterans and active duty service members. It’s a time to reflect on what it means to live in the United States, land of the free, home of the brave.
But have you ever thought about freedom from the labels that characterize psychological problems? How about the bravery involved in setting up your first therapy appointment and staying the course?
So many times, people fail to make progress in therapy because they become a slave to labels. They begin to define themselves by their symptoms- depression, anxiety, anger, etc. For many, it becomes difficult to imagine a different life. A life with minimal symptoms or no symptoms at all. In fact, some people may sabotage their own treatment. Others may simply give up hope on achieving their treatment goals.
So, how do you gain independence from psychological labels? Well, it’s not as if someone else is going to do the work for you. You often have to fight for your freedom. That means facing difficult topics, putting in effort to change, and refusing to give up on yourself. In fact, it may sometimes feel like an uphill battle. But in the end, victory can be yours.