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Ellis, A. (1975). Creative joy and happiness: The humanistic way. Humanist, 35(10), 11-13.
Ellis, A. (1975). Demonstration with a family (Videotape). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Ellis, A. (1975). Demonstration with woman with sexual and weight problems (Videotape). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
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Ellis, A. (1975). Rational-emotive therapy and the school counselor. The School
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Ellis, A. (1976). Basic clinical theory of rational-emotive therapy. In A. T. Beck,
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Ellis, A. (1976). Books on marriage. Voices, 2(3), 83-85.
Ellis, A. (1976). The certification of sex therapists (Cassette Recording). Baltimore, MD:
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Ellis, A. (1976). Dealing with conflicts in parent-child relationships (Videotape). Austin,
TX: Audio-Visual Resource Center, School of Social Work, University of Texas.
Ellis, A. (1976). Hazards in practicing RET: An answer. Rational Living, 11(1), 19-23.
Ellis, A. (1976). Healthy and unhealthy aggression, Humanitas, 12(2), 239-254.
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Ellis, A. (1976). How I made the success trip. In R. Firestone (Ed.), The success trip (pp.
7-8, 102, 108-109, 149-151, 167, 248, 255, 279, 280). Chicago: Playboy.
Ellis, A. (1976). The influence of therapists’ image of humans upon their therapeutic
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Ellis, A. (1976). A message from Albert Ellis, Ph.D. Newsletter American Association for
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Ellis, A. (1976). Nobody need feel ashamed or guilty about anything. In S. Kopp (Ed.),
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Ellis, A. (1976). Rational-emotive psychotherapy: In W.S. Sahakian (Ed.), Psychotherapy
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Ellis, A. (1976). Sex and the liberated man. Secacus, NJ: Lyle Stuart.
Ellis, A. (1976). Sex differences. New Dawn, 1(3),83-87.
Ellis, A. (1976). Techniques of handling anger in marriage. Journal of Marriage and
Family Counseling, 2, 305-315.
Ellis, A., Barry, J., & Heiser, K. (1976). Questions, issues, and comments regarding
continuing education for consulting psychologists. Newsletter for Division of Consulting Psychologists of the American Psychology Association, 28(1), 27-52.
Ellis, A., & Block, D. (1976). The pros and cons of extramarital sexual relationships
(Cassette Recording). Logan, UT: American Association of Marriage and Family Counselors.
Ellis, A. (1977). Achieving emotional health. In W.R. Johnson (Ed.), Human Health and
Action (pp. 110-147). New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
Ellis, A. (1977). Anger-how to live with and without it. Secacus, NJ: Citadel.
Ellis, A. (1977). Becoming more becoming by coming. [Review of Becoming orgasmic: A
sexual growth program for women]. Contemporary Psychology, 22, 763-764.
Ellis, A. (1977). Can we change thoughts by reinforcement? A reply to Howard Rachlin.
Behavior Therapy, 8, 666-672.
Ellis, A. (1977). Certification for sex therapists. In R.Genne & C. Wheeler (Eds.),
Progress in Sexology (pp. 251-258). New York: Plenum.
Ellis, A. (1977). Characteristics of psychotic and borderline individuals. In A. Ellis & R.
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Ellis, A. (1977). [Comments on C. Curran Values revisited]. Voices, 13(3), 26-28.
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psychotherapy]. In J.L. Wolfe & E. Brand (Eds.), Twenty years of Rational-emotive therapy (pp. 48 – 51). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1977). Conquering dire need for love (Cassette Recording No. C003,
Compact Disc No. CD013). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Ellis, A. (1977). Creative marriage. Love, 1(7), 15-20.
Ellis, A. (1977). Dealing with sexuality and intimacy (Cassette Recording). New York:
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Ellis, A. (1977). Does the sex of the RET counselor affect the efficacy of RET procedures? Stoic,
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Ellis, A. (1977). Foreword. In B.L. Little, This will drive you sane (pp. iii-vii). Minneapolis,
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Ellis, A. (1977). Fun as psychotherapy, Rational Living, 12(1), 2-6.
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1977). Garland of rational songs (Cassette Recording No. C006, Compact
Disc No. CD004). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Ellis, A. (1977, June). Getting shrunk: Then and now. Village Voice, 31.
Ellis, A. (1977, July). Getting shrunk: Then and now, reply to editor. Village Voice, 6.
Ellis, A. (1977). How to be efficient though humanistic. Dawnpoint, 1(1), 38-47.
Ellis, A. (1977). How to live with –and without- anger. New York: Reader’s Digest.
(Paperback ed.), Anger: How to live with and without it. Secacus, NJ: Citadel.
Ellis, A. (1977). In memory of Paul Frisch. American Academy Psychotherapist’s News,
November, 5.
Ellis, A. (1977). Intimacy in psychotherapy. Rational Living, 12(2), 13-19.
Ellis, A. (1977). Introduction. In D. Abelow, Total sex (pp. ix-xxv). New York: Ace.
Ellis, A. (1977, June). Question: What was the absolute worst mistake you ever made in
your entire life? Extra, 8.
Ellis, A. (1977). Rational Love Songs. Emphasis, 14(2), 19.
Ellis, A. (1977). Reinforcing and punishing thoughts. Behavior Therapy, 8, 659-665.
Ellis, A. (1977). Religious belief in the United States today. Humanist, 37(2), 38-41.
Ellis, A. (1977). Review of Individual education, Journal of Individual Psychology,
33(2a), 391-396.
Ellis, A. (1977). Skill training in counseling and psychotherapy. Canadian Counsellor,
12(1), 30-35.
Ellis, A. (1977). Why “scientific” professionals believe mystical nonsense. Psychiatric
Opinion, 14(2), 27-30.
Ellis, A., & Grieger, R. (Eds.). (1977). Handbook of rational-emotive therapy (Vol.1).
New York: Springer.
Ellis, A., & Knaus, W. (1977). Overcoming procrastination. New York: Institute for
Rational-Emotive Therapy. (Paperback ed., New York: New American Library).
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1978). Albert Ellis on rational-emotive therapy: The development of his
theories and practice and the application of his procedures (Cassette Recording). New York: Harper & Row Audio Colloquies.
Ellis, A. (1978). Atheism: A cure for neurosis. American atheist, 20(3), 10-13.
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1978). Cognitive methods of sex therapy (Cassette Recording).
Washington: American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists.
Ellis, A. (1978). Critical reaction to personal mastery group counseling. Journal for
Specialists in Group Work, 3, 160-164.
Ellis, A. (1978). Dealing with conflicts in parent-child relationships (Videotape). Austin,
TX: Audio-Visual Resource Center, University of Texas.
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1978). Dealing with sexuality and intimacy (Cassette Recording). New York:
BMA Audio Cassettes.
Ellis, A. (1978). Feedback: A genius for lousing up. Wharton Magazine, 2(3), 72.
Ellis, A. (1978). Forword. In DeMartino, Human autoerotic practices (pp. 9-18). New
York: Human Sciences.
Ellis, A. (Speaker). (1978). I’d like to stop, but … Overcoming addictions. (Compact Disc No.
CD018). New York: Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy.
Ellis, A. (1978). The intelligent woman’s guide to dating and mating. Secaucus, NJ: Lyle
Ellis, A. (1978). Is cognitive-behavior modification sufficiently cognitive? Contemporary
Psychology, 23, 736-737.
Ellis, A. (1978). The male as sex object. Playgirl, 6(1), 47-51.
Ellis, A. (1978). Personality characteristics of rational-emotive therapists and other kinds
of therapists. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 15, 329-332.
Ellis, A. (1978). The problem of achieving scientific cognitive-behavior therapy.
Counseling Psychologist, 7(3), 21-23. (Also in C.E. Thoresen (Ed.), The Behavior
Therapist (pp.42-46). Monterey, CA: Brooks-Cole).
Ellis, A. (1978). A rational approach to divorce problems. In S.M. Goetz (Ed.), Breaking
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