by Thomas Whitfield, M.A. “Oh, no, we actually have a paid reservation to pick the car up at 10am,” the words slide from my mouth matter-of-factly. “Yes, I understand, but we don’t have any cars, it’s going to be at

by Glynnis McDonnell, M.A. Do you ever find yourself bothered by something relatively inconsequential? And then judging yourself for being bothered by something so ridiculous? I know I do. Case in point: this morning, I put a new creamer in

by Stephanie Grossman, M.A. Last weekend was one of the best I’ve ever had. It was my first time being a bridesmaid in a friend’s wedding, and I had been looking forward to this weekend for the past year. I

by Kimberly Alexander, M.S. Well it’s only the first full week into the new academic year and I already missed a deadline. Crazy thing is that I carry my planner everywhere with me…even when I’m on vacation, going shopping, or

by Glynnis McDonnell, M.A. “Life SHOULD be fair!” I find myself getting caught up in this kind of thinking a lot- when someone cuts in front of me in line, when I see some people being granted opportunities that others

by Stephanie Grossman, M.A. I remember learning my first year in graduate school that you can’t be diagnosed with a phobia unless you actually encounter the feared stimulus. For example, I can’t have a snake phobia because I don’t encounter

by Tom Kelly, M.S. I am fortunate enough to have some excellent restaurants and coffee shops within a ten to fifteen minute walk from my home. It is great to be able to walk out of the house and enjoy

by Kim Alexander, M.S. It’s a perfectly breezy summer day. I walk out my house to the see the sun shining brightly and all seems right in the world. As I sit on my front step to keep Cosmo company