Learning from Lateness
by Carly Mayer, M.S. Last week, my friend was late to dinner. She is my friend that is perpetually late and every time we go out, I kick myself for being on time. I sat at the table thinking about
by Carly Mayer, M.S. Last week, my friend was late to dinner. She is my friend that is perpetually late and every time we go out, I kick myself for being on time. I sat at the table thinking about
By Raymond L. Moody, M.A. In graduate school there is pressure to obtain grant funding and publish research. Both of these require months to review the existing literature, collect data, analyze, and then write a compelling argument. Then, all of
By Johna Hansen, L.C.S.W. The other day I ordered some items online to pick up in the store. Upon arrival at the store I realized I needed my ID in order to pick up the items. Fortunately, this time I had
by Rosina Pzena, M.S. It’s summer, and that means for many of us when we open up social media and check our Facebook and Instagram feeds, they are plastered with photos of our friends enjoying fun day-trips and vacations. One
by Amanda Rosinski, M.A. The past few weeks of NYC summer have been exceptionally hot and humid, even full of many excessive heat warnings. I walk outside and immediately want to turn around and go back into my air conditioned apartment.
by Stephanie Schwartz, M.S. The past week has been quite busy for me. First, I traveled to Denver to present at the American Psychological Association convention. While I would have enjoyed staying for the entirety of the conference and exploring
by Mark Schiffman, M.S. “Before a single event has begun, a single point awarded, a single shot contested, the competitors have already lived these Olympics. They’ve felt their hand raised, swelled with pride as the national anthem played, felt the
by Megan Sy, M.A., M.S. As the Summer Olympics kick off, I’ve been watching the previews and the games with particular fascination for any rituals or superstitions the athletes might have. Some of these happen away from the eye of
by Carly Mayer, M.S. This past weekend, I was looking forward to a short vacation with some friends on Fire Island. We had rented a house and planned this one weekend away last winter and I was very excited to
by Johna Hansen, L.C.S.W. My children are obsessed with the Star Wars movies. Recently, I played Star Wars Legos with my children and I noticed that they used the terms “bad guys” and “good guys” when referring to the different