by Megan Sy, M.A., M.S.  One of the great disappointments in my life is biting into a raisin cookie thinking it is chocolate chip. Now I’m sure that there are deeper and more meaningful examples of disappointment, but the core

by Mark Schiffman, M.S.  I was once on a research fellowship where the expectation from the teacher/adviser was that we would all come on time and put in the daily, full day of research.  One day, one of the other

by Brianna Cheney, M.A.  As the academic year comes to a close, May and June are often coupled with change for students – whether it be the transition from one school to another or from academic life to a job

by William Taboas, M.A. One of the core irrational beliefs that Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy addresses is other-downing, an externalizing variant of self-downing or self-condemnation. Albert Ellis defined other-downing as a form of global evaluation of human worth: we condemn

by Megan Sy, M.A., M.S.  In a recent This American Life broadcast, they featured several individuals with hyperthymesia or HSAM (highly superior autobiographical memory). People with HSAM have such strong memory abilities that they can remember minute details of their lives for

by  Mark Schiffman, M.S.  I once had a professor in college who repeatedly reminded us from day one and continually throughout the semester, in his memorable threatening voice, that if we didn’t remember x, y, or z fact, “YOU WILL

by Brianna Cheney, M.A. As fun and exciting as trips can be, traveling often comprises some level of stress.  Anyone who has missed or come close to missing a train or plane knows that this can lead to a surge

by Elissa Habinsky, M.A., M.S.  New Yorkers walk no matter what the weather is.  We walk in the rain, the snow and the sleet. However, as the weather gets warmer, as it is doing so now, we stroll. Strolling rather

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  Last week was not a good week for me and other fans of the artist, Prince who suddenly passed away at a very young age. I grew up avidly listening to Prince’s music and remember bopping