by Mark Schiffman, M.S. I had a three year old client once who said that she needed candy.  When I told her that I couldn’t give her any, she persisted that she really needed the candy.  “Why do you really

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  One of the ways that most human beings gauge progress in their performance is by self-monitoring themselves. Self-monitoring is an ability to regulate behavior to accommodate social situations. People who closely monitor themselves often behave in

by Mark Schiffman, M.S. Albert Ellis encouraged the pursuit of hedonic happiness, which can be defined as the seeking of pleasure and the avoidance of pain.  However, hedonic happiness is not the same thing as making risky short-term decisions in

by Brianna Cheney, M.A.  As an REBT therapist, I make a consistent effort to apply REBT to my own life.  When I experience any type of unhealthy negative emotion (UNE), I try to identify and replace the self-defeating thoughts and

by Elissa Habinsky, M.A., M.S. Men and women alike enjoy shopping. People frequent malls, drive long distances to premium outlets and spend hours perusing online sites in an effort to find the goods they desire. However, my best friend from

by William Taboas, M.A. I missed my bus to work yesterday. I must have looked pretty upset, because an older gentleman decided to impart words of wisdom onto me. I’m sure if I didn’t have to wait for the next

By Mark Schiffman, M.S. A Harris poll conducted last week on behalf of the Webby awards reported that while most millennials constantly check their phones, more than half of the respondents said that they think they would be happier if

by Brianna Cheney, M.A.  When I become stressed, I take extra caution to follow my self-care routine, which includes getting adequate sleep.  However, I recently noticed that the more stress that I was experiencing, the more difficult it was to

by Elissa Habinsky, M.A., M.S.  Existential Therapy is any psychotherapy which contains elements of the philosophies, phenomenology and existentialism. Although perhaps not readily apparent, Existential Therapy and REBT overlap quite a bit, and many would argue are compatible. Within Existential