by Deniz Sidali, M.A. Every late Sunday afternoon I start to get sullen, pensive and withdrawn. I would start to havefeelings of dread knowing that the weekend was nearly over, and that my busy week would startonce again. Not that

by William Taboas, M.A. It is better to tolerate anxiety than to demand than it go away.  In our world that aims to distract, avoid, and sedate, the concept of developing anxiety tolerance (or general distress tolerance, for that matter)

by Mark Schiffman, M.S.  When I was younger, my dreams were more fantastical than realistic.  Now, my dreams are more realistic than fantastical.  Bad dreams used to be about monsters, aliens, or zombies.  Now, bad dreams are about exploiting my

by Chris Kelly, M.A.  Is there some task you’ve been putting off? When you think about doing whatever it is, do you then say something like “suck it up!” or “just do it!” to yourself? That’s fairly common advice, and it

By Elissa Habinsky, M.A., M.S.  In REBT we speak often about emotion and the difference between Unhealthy Negative Emotion (UNE) and Healthy Negative Emotion (HNE). The goal of therapy is to move clients from UNEs to HNEs. Listed under the

by Brianna Cheney, M.A. Over the past couple of months, I struggled with serious procrastination while attempting to write part of my dissertation.  I noticed myself choosing to do just about anything, from cleaning –which I typically loathe- to scheduling

by Jeff Goldman, M.A. What is perfection? Free from flaws? What is a flaw? Something that is imperfect? Sounds fallacious and circular to me! Yet many strive to be perfect, even though logically, this line of thinking is tenuous at

by William R. Taboas, MA “People could rationally decide that prolonged relationships take up too much time and effort and that they’d much rather do other kinds of things. But most people are afraid of rejection.”   – Albert Ellis A