by William Taboas, M.A. Have you ever asked yourself, why do we fear failure? And, can I get over this fear? I was listening to a Freakonomics Radio podcast episode named “Failure is Your Friend”, where they stated “When failure

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  Practically every time I step outside my door, I encounter rude behavior in New York City – people texting while walking into me on the street, commuters with bad body odor on the subway coughing in

by Kristen Tobias, M.A.  I would like to discuss the premise that some events are reasonably characterized as “awful” and propose one strategy for dealing with this reality.  Those who practice REBT in its unadulterated form will not agree with

by Shannon O’Neill, M.A.  I have learned an abundant amount of knowledge during my time at the Albert Ellis Institute and would like to share a piece of insight within my final blog. Upon receiving training and understanding that one’s

by William Taboas, M.A.  I live in New York City and I must confess, I have a hard time dealing with some of the people here in the city. Don’t get me wrong, there are difficult people everywhere in the

by Deniz Sidali, M.A. At around 1 ½ years of age, we start to babble as infants. At around 2 years of age, we start to form basic words and learn how to say “No” to exert control over our

by Brooke Guttenberg, Psy.D.  A few days ago I had my first real day off. For the first time in a long while I did not have any impending deadlines or outstanding items on my to-do list. Excited at the

by Jennifer Shindman, Psy.D. Yesterday night, I was excited to get home and watch a TV show that I recorded on my DVR. About thirty minutes in however, I realized that I was not at all paying attention to the

by Kristen Tobias, M.A. Our culture thrives on pigeonholing individuals as successes or failures, and it can be easy to get caught up in this illogical, irrational reasoning.  The success/failure dichotomy ignores the complexity of being human and presumes some