by Jennifer Shindman, Psy.D. How often have you said, or have heard someone say something like, if this goes wrong, my life is over, or something like, if I do not get a job after college, then I wasted the

by Brooke Guttenberg, Psy.D. Have you ever thought about the expectations you hold for relationships, whether they be friendships or romantic partnerships? Many times we do set such expectations, even if we are not conscious of it. We may decide

by Deniz Sidali, M.A. The other day I was walking on campus, perfectly content that classes were over. I was admiring the beautiful, multi-colored tulips planted in the gardens, which our costly tuition finances, when all of a sudden I

by Shannon O’Neill, M.A. Many critics of REBT believe we assist clients in ridding their negative emotions. In other words, rather than continuing to experience the emotion generated, some mistakenly believe that REBT therapists strive to eliminate the emotional response completely.

by Kristen Tobias, M.A. In my experience, it is not unusual to hear a client who comes to the Albert Ellis Institute say something about having already tried “talk therapy” and now wanting to pursue something different (i.e., cognitive-behavioral therapy,

by William Taboas, M.A. As I was enjoying lunch with an old friend, he noticed that I was distracted with something on my mind. He pointed it out, and proceeded to have a conversation about the things occupying my head.

by Jennifer Shindman, Psy.D. In his book Reality Therapy, Robert Wubbolding presents a metaphor for helping people determine whether their current perceptions or behaviors are helping or hurting them. As humans, we repeat behaviors despite knowing deep down that they

by Brooke Guttenberg, Psy.D. “Why isn’t this working, will this ever work?” Many individuals new to psychotherapy, including REBT, may experience similar thoughts when working to apply new principles to presenting problems or difficulties. It can be uncomfortable to face

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  A few years ago, a popular show I use to watch on television Six Feet Under ended. The show was about different ways people ended up dying and how this tragedy was interwoven into the lives