by William Taboas, M.A. What if I make the wrong choice? What if I can’t escape an unexpected stressful situation? What if I’m stuck in this job? What if my marriage doesn’t last? What if people will judge me? What

by Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. Over the past few weeks, I have heard multiple references to the concept of “wasting time.” While everyone may provide a different definition to this term, in each of these conversations the expression held a negative

by Shannon O’Neill, M.A.  I’ll be the first to admit that when I begin to worry about an approaching event, my thoughts can shift from concern to catastrophe very quickly. But why does this happen? When a problem has the

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  Singer Diana Ross croons, “I’m coming out. I want the world to know. Got to let it show.” The other night on American television, over seventeen million people viewed the highly anticipated Diane Sawyer interview with

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  Why do we have so much difficulty accepting personal responsibility for things going bad? Or conflicts with our loved ones? For our children seeing us as awful parents? Or, simply making a mistake?  Well, it could

by Jennifer Shindman, M.S. The other day, as I was waiting for the train, the overhead monitor that says when the next train is coming was out of order. “Ugh!” I thought to myself, “well isn’t this just great?” “How

by Kristen Tobias, M.A. From an evolutionary perspective, anger was an advantageous emotion that contributed to survival.  In modern life, this emotion is inappropriately and excessively activated, and the potentially adverse consequences are plentiful.  Anger is associated with a host

by William Taboas, M.A.  The other day, I was discussing the concepts of cognitive biases and irrational beliefs to a close friend of mine. I recognize now how good and polite of a friend he was when he didn’t snooze