by Brooke Guttenberg, M.S.  I want you to take a minute and close your eyes. Think about the last time you felt angry, guilty, anxious, or depressed. Now I want you to walk your self through the situation. Think about

by Jennifer Shindman, M.S.  A few months ago during one of our clinical seminars, we discussed anger. Some of the topics included what individuals may gain by holding onto their anger, what maintains it, and how dysfunctional it can potentially

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  Everyone of us has at one point or another come into contact with people labeling either us or someone we know with a psychological diagnosis. Oftentimes, this form of labeling when used loosely and indiscriminately can

by Shannon O’Neill, M.A.  When was the last time you hesitated to do something you enjoyed because you were concerned with another’s reaction or judgment? Often times we generate irrational assumptions about others thoughts, believing we can read their mind. Although most of the

by William Taboas, M.A. I’m a firm believer that one of the major thorns to healthy psychological living is experiential avoidance; avoidance of thoughts, feelings, and sensations that come with the highs and lows in life, but more so the

by Jennifer Shindman, M.S.  In his book, The Gift of Therapy, Yalom writes, “We are cradlers of secrets. Every day patients grace us with their secrets, often never before shared. Receiving such secrets is a privilege given to very few.

by Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. Tis the season to be…well that is an interesting question. Some may assume tis the season to be jolly, but that is potentially placing a lot of pressure on oneself. The holiday season is not always

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  I have often wondered about the topic of relativity. No, not Albert Einstein’s ground breaking Theory of Relativity in physics. But, rather a different kind of relativity. How human beings are relative in many aspects and

by Kristen Tobias, M.A.  “It is our nature to conform; it is a force which many can not successfully resist…We are creatures of outside influences; as a rule we do not think, we only imitate…The outside influences are always pouring