by Jennifer Shindman, M.S.  One of the aspects of Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) that distinguishes it from other forms of Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) is the elegant solution. In following the ABC model, Cognitive Therapy usually first intervenes by

  by Kristen Tobias, M.A. Dr. Ellis routinely acknowledged that we all possess the innate capacity to think both rationally and irrationally—it is part of the human condition.  In addition to the influence of biological predispositions and early life experiences,

by Deniz Sidali, M.A. “We can go nowhere but up from here my dear.” So the other night, a friend of mine posts a “positive quote” on social media which she has indicated has miraculously transformed her perceptions about her

by Shannon O’Neill, M.A. It starts at a young age as little girls hear statements such as, “Hi there, beautiful!” or “Look how pretty you are!” It seems natural to converse with a child in this way. Unfortunately, an adult’s

by William Taboas, M.A.  I am currently writing this entry while on vacation, and I’m sure my co-workers and co-fellows would find that ludicrous. Regardless, being on vacation doesn’t mean that I do not have any responsibilities to fulfill when

Friday Night Live (FNL) is offered twice monthly at the Albert Ellis Institute (dates: and runs from 7:00PM to 8:30PM.   An REBT specialist leads the event and asks the audience for two volunteers who are willing to present a

 by Brooke Guttenberg, M.S.  What happens when we begin to put other people’s reactions and feelings before our own? I think this is a pretty important question to consider. My hypothesis is that this question can be answered a number

by Deniz Sidali, M.A.  As I discussed in my previous blog(s), being happy is a mindset. If we want to truly experience happiness,  it should not be  seen as a goal or contingent on something happening (such as, winning the

by Ennio Ammendola, M.A.  My most recent blog was about being irrational, this blog is about being rational. Let’s suppose that you read my previous blog that identified the 10 Irrational Commandments, and that after several weeks of intense PRACTICE