By Kristen Tobias, M.A. There is a ubiquitous thought pattern during the flurry of new love…your beloved is wonderful. Everything about them is viewed through rose-colored glasses, which includes inflating their attributes and ignoring or downplaying their flaws. Wonderfulizing has

By Eric Sudler, M.S. It has come to my attention of late that A LOT of people I know possess remarkable psychic abilities, particularly when it comes to predicting the future and determining one’s fate. I’m not sure when everybody

By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. When sitting down to write my blog this week, I decided that it was time to take a different approach. Many times I focus on ways to change a specific behavior or emotion by applying the

By Ricky Hornblass, Ph.D. We all have a sense that we can control or have power over everything and everyone in our lives. I often talk to parents who feel tremendous guilt and anxiety when their children do not behave

By Dan Prendergast, M.A. It is a fact of life that time will continue to pass and life will continue to happen, regardless of how ready we might be for it. It is also a fact that multiple difficult times

By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. Many of us often find ourselves fretting in anticipation of events or tasks. These situations may range from confronting a boss or a friend, to a project or task that carries weight. While preparation is beneficial

By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. Have you ever thought that money would solve all of your problems? Or that it would make you happier? Do you refuse to buy something unless you can pay for it in cash? Or, do you

By Kim Kassay, M.S. You can admit it, you’ve done it…you put something off until tomorrow (and maybe a few more tomorrows) when it really would have been better to have done it sooner than later. We make up excuses,

By Kristen Tobias, M.A. Humans are relational beings, and loving and being loved throughout the lifespan can engender a vitality that is hard to find elsewhere. The experience of love, of mattering to someone, someone who bears witness to our