By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. As much as we would like to be great jugglers, it is not always easy to find a perfect balance in life. It can seem difficult to set aside time to take care of oneself, but

By Kristen Tobias, M.A. It is likely easy to conjure up a memory of a time when you were preparing to apologize to someone, or hoping that someone would apologize to you. We have likely all been wronged, and all

By Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D. Dogmatism has been defined as the unfounded positiveness in matters of opinion; arrogant assertion of opinions as truths. Throughout history, and certainly in more recent times, we have example after example of dogmatic belief(s) resulting

By Leonard Citron, M.A. Who hasn’t had those nights? Where all you want is to sleep, after a hectic and draining day in New York, and as soon as your head hits that pillow, you know that tonight is not

By Candice Siu, M.A. Remember the times your parents reminded you to say “please” and “thank you?” In retrospect, that was an important lesson in manners and an invaluable lesson on life. Every favor, gift, compliment, or award, is essentially,

By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. Do you disturb yourself over the way one of your colleagues interacts with you? Does it seem as if you’re always clashing with one of your colleagues? Research shows that workplace conflict is common. When employees

By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. Over the past weekend, I spent a good portion of my Sunday frantically attempting to resolve computer issues. This certainly is not my first rodeo. As I suspect in this digital age, we have all had

By Leonard Citron, M.A. Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) is a goal focused therapy practice. Couples typically strive for a happy and fulfilling relationship. There are several considerations to take into account when working towards achieving this goal, one of

By Dan Prendergast, M.A. Let’s not forget the basics of REBT because of Valentine’s Day. Whether or not you have a valentine this year, you are perfectly capable of holding functional or dysfunctional beliefs about your love situation, and free