by Megan Sy, M.S.  There are a variety of ways through which we trick ourselves into believing that we are exerting control over our circumstances. Demandingness is one of those. Demands are beliefs that include the idea that something or

by Rosina Pzena, M.S.  I think we have all noticed that the weather has been very unstable lately. Freezing and snowing one day, and then a few days later sunny and 60+ degrees Fahrenheit, then back to cold and rain.

by Carly Mayer, M.S.  One of the main foundations of REBT is that we control our own feelings because we make choices that result in these feelings. So, even though society often tells us (and we tell each other) to blame

by Johna Hansen, L.C.S.W. One day this week it was warm.  Another day it was warm, but windy, so it was chilly in the shade, but warm in the sun.  It is snowing now.  Then, it will be hot in

by Raymond Moody, M.A. Sometimes we are fortunate enough that we have multiple appealing options to choose from. We may look at the dessert menu and see that two of our favorite desserts are listed. We may be invited to

by Mark Schiffman, M.S.  Many of us tend to get angry when those around us, whether family members, roommates, or coworkers behave in a manner of which we disapprove.  Whether it be our kids or spouse not cleaning up sufficiently

by Megan Sy, M.S.  Whether they are specific and detailed or vague and approximate, plans orient us toward our goals. Both short-term and long-term planning often serve an adaptive purpose – it helps guide our decisions and actions, for instance.

by Rosina Pzena, M.S.  I have been working with some parents recently, and so I have been spending some time thinking about how REBT might be able to help parents. From my experience, it seems that many parents have strong

by Raymond Moody, M.A. I don’t have a trainer at my gym. I probably should because there are times when I just lack the motivation to work out. My gym does offer me a complimentary fitness evaluation and training session