by Mark Schiffman, M.S. “She’s just wrong!” “What he is saying just doesn’t make any sense!” Oftentimes we find ourselves in destructive patterns of communication with our significant others.  While we perceive ourselves as being totally rational, he or she

by Stephanie Schwartz, M.S. A few days ago, I started feeling pain in my tooth. I’ve never had any problems with my teeth before and typically only visit the dentist twice a year for routine cleanings. I started to feel

by Rosina Pzena, M.S. I am writing this blog currently from home, where I have been stuck in my bed sick with the flu for the past few days. I spent a lot of time, at first, thinking about how

by Raymond Moody, M.A.  Over the holiday break, while back home visiting my family, I took the opportunity to look at a few wedding venues with my fiancé. We set up a few appointments in the city where we met,

by Amanda Rosinski, M.A.  Happy 2017! Our New Year has just started, which is often coupled with many different New Year’s resolutions. This tradition emphasizes a person changing something that is undesirable about themselves. This could be a trait that

by Stephanie Schwartz, M.S. In the past month I have done a lot more shopping (particularly online) than I typically do. It’s not a coincidence that my shopping habits have increased right around holiday time, when stores typically run sales.

by Rosina Pzena, M.S.  It’s the first week of a new year, and that likely means many of us have settled on a New Year’s Resolution. Normally I only last about a week or two before I give up on

by Megan Sy, M.S.  “Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually the confidence will follow.” –Carrie Fisher  Often in cognitive behavioral therapy, there