by Brianna Cheney, M.A. Most therapists feel an inherent drive to help their clients overcome emotional pain and suffering.  While this drive allows therapists to be successful helping professionals, it can also lead therapists to place irrational demands on themselves

by Elissa Habinsky, M.A., M.S.  For a while now I have been wanting to do a particular shame attack exercise, but I haven’t.  I thought that by writing about it, it would help me process what has been getting in

by William Taboas, M.A.  So, let’s talk chemistry for a second. Ever heard of the Grignard reaction? Neither have I (or maybe I did when I took Organic Chemistry, but I totally forgot everything about it). I’ll leave either the

by Megan Sy, M.A., M.S.  With Valentine’s Day fast approaching, the number of cut-out hearts and chocolate sales is on the rise. While there are many people out there who blissfully celebrate Valentine’s Day, there are also many who turn

by Mark Schiffman, M.S.  As a sports fan, this past Sunday was a big day for me.  It was the moment of truth and there was a lot on the line.  I needed to knock down at least 5 more clowns in

By Brianna Cheney, M.A. Children diagnosed with ADHD often exhibit a pattern of thinking which has been labelled the Hostile Attribution Bias (or HAB for short).  This cognitive bias consists of inferring that someone’s irritating or otherwise unpleasant behavior was

by William Taboas, M.A.  The way I visualize what Albert Ellis called “demandingness” is similar to the way I imagine contracts that are meant to be broken. For instance, demanding perfection only guarantees disappointment. Sure, striving and aiming for a goal

by Mark Schiffman, M.S.  A few weeks ago, psychologist Adam Grant wrote an op-ed in the New York Times about the possible benefits of being a procrastinator.  He reviewed some research by a student of his that indicates that at

By Brianna Cheney, M.A. In his 2005 commencement address to graduating college seniors (This is Water), famed author David Foster Wallace shared life views that coincide remarkably with those maintained by Dr. Albert Ellis and REBT.  Foster Wallace dedicated much