By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. How many times have you been told that communication is key? However, the complexity of this process is often overlooked. There are many different forms of communication and subtle societal rules that outline how to proceed

By Kristen Tobias, M.A. The theory of REBT postulates that people possess the intrinsic capability to think both rationally and irrationally. We actually all engage in both types of thinking, but differ in the degree to which each type is

By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. When you think of someone who is powerful, what is the first image that comes to mind? Do you imagine someone with a great career, a lot of money, and several luxury homes and cars? Maybe

By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. Once again I am watching the snow falling outside. I guess this is not something to complain about, as it is January and the temperature is above the freezing mark. The torrential downpours, polar vortex, and

By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. Have you noticed any ads for Valentine’s Day lately? Almost as soon as New Year’s Day passed, I began seeing ads and displays priming consumers to buy a number of items ranging from cards to chocolate

By Kristen Tobias, M.A. The reality that no perfect human being ever lived, along with the fact that many people strive for perfectionism, is a paradox of the human condition. Perfectionism is a condition characterized by holding unrealistically high standards

By Brooke Guttenberg, M.S. With 2014 just around the corner, my initial ideas for this week’s blog naturally gravitated toward starting fresh for the new year and how to keep those New Year’s resolutions. However, while congress has yet to