By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. The other day I was trying to make my way to the second level of a crowded shopping center. I know the layout well, so I hopped on the escalator, sneaking a peak at the light

By Leonard Citron, M.A. Thank you for calling, you are through to customer service, before I transfer your inquiry, I need to ask you some questions for security. Hmm. Here we go with the ridiculous questions. You know the type…

By Dan Prendergast, M.A. Mental health professionals and consumers of psychotherapy commonly talk about being for or against medication, and commonly talk about medical versus psychological variants of mental illness. I think this approach is problematic for a number of

By Leonard Citron, M.A. A few days off over the Thanksgiving break helped me find perspective. Taking time away from my normal hectic NYC routine to be with friends and family provided me with a chance to step back from

By Dan Prendergast, M.A. A fairly large number of clients enter therapy wondering if a given therapist will understand them, as well as their life experiences and issues that they would like to bring into treatment. Many individuals seek out

By Kristene A. Doyle, Ph.D. With Thanksgiving marking the start of the holiday season, zealous shoppers ran out of the gate like a bull in Spain. Some of our more recent blogs have discussed managing holiday stress and not making

By Shonda Lackey, Ph.D. ‘Tis the season! But will you be jolly or not? The answer depends on how well you can manage the stress caused by irrational beliefs that tend to surface during the Holiday season. Perhaps you know